Month: August 2011

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles: Teeth Treatment with Patient Tray Kits, Lucid-Look Brackets and Chameleon Tooth Wires

If you’re having problems socializing with other people because you’re conscious with your teeth, Six Month Smiles is a cost-efficient way to improve your confidence. With technological advancements, patients will no longer suffer from crooked, overbite, bad breath and other oral problems. This dental treatment allows patient to smile with properly aligned and healthy teeth.
Treatment typically lasts for six months using high rate braces and patient-based solutions. 6monthsmiles is known for its trademarks such as ‘Lucid-Look’ brackets as well as Chameleon tooth wires which are both discreet in nature. Reliable, fast and easy appointments are also possible with another trademark called ‘Patient Tray Kits’.
Six Month Smiles is open for clients who are fifteen years of age or older, suffering from crooked, spaced, teeth, as well as overbite, and cross bite. The technique used by 6monthsmiles employs quick, safe and hygienic technological dentistry with all patients. The treatment involves specialized nickel and titanium wires that target the most visible portions of teeth. Other than that, patients no longer need to suffer from very visible braces that attract attention. During the process of teeth alignment, a patient will not feel conscious of his or her braces. This patient can enjoy partying or attending celebrations without ruining his or her outfit or smile.
Furthermore, the type of braces given to 6monthsmiles clients is more comfy compared to traditional kinds. This comfort is achieved by applying low level of pressure and standard orthodontic techniques to align teeth based on the patient’s unique cosmetic appearance and not on the bite position. The treatment does not simply involve regular brace tightening, but careful teeth alignment.
If, however, a patient thinks of risks in damaging other teeth portions, teeth roots, and even gums when braces are placed, the 6monthsmiles technique ensures that these issues are as much as possible avoided. This is why pressure is kept in low level force and teeth extraction is applied in lesser frequency. After the teeth have been straightened, removable or bonded retainers are to be worn by patients to prevent relapse.
Six Month Smiles also offers clients with an online assessment that will determine if a patient has dental problems and what kind of treatment is necessary. The assessment is a tool not to replace personal consultations, but to provide initial findings on a client’s dental status. Usually, consultations happen after a person contacts a service provider and schedules a consultation. However, the 6monthsmiles provide a method to help their clients identify if they really need to undergo consultations and treatment. Questions linked to a person’s lifestyle as well as expectations are placed in the official website for clients to answer. Results will be given and can even be printed.


Oralign: Teeth Makeover within Fourteen Weeks or Less

Oralign: Teeth Makeover within Fourteen Weeks or Less

For people who have been living their life with teeth that always catch negative attention, consulting a Dentist and facing teeth makeover creates a different kind of freedom – freedom from social humiliation and self pity, that is. This does not only make them healthy-looking people, but persons with confidence and full of sincere smiles.
One known way to achieve oral treatment is through Oralign. It is a patented equipment developed by Dental professionals: Dr. Ross Hobson and Dr. Lester Ellman. This helps patients surpass oral challenges and even allow Dentists to improve their craft. This is a technology that is fast, cost-effective, transparent, small, and can be worn part-time by patients. Other than that, practitioners can take advantage of this advancement by taking trainings and conducting diagnostics online through the official website.
The application of this technology works after the authorized Dentist accomplished the following: patient case discussion, assessment, record of teeth problem, take teeth images and x rays. Then, recommendations on type of treatment will be informed to the client through the secured official website. Confirmation of the patient regarding the diagnosis and treatment will be asked and the retainer or braces will be constructed.
This technology is designed not only for patients, but also for Dental professionals. This is a way to make them experience this technology by applying them to consulting clients. For practitioners, the use of Oralign equipment can be studied through the ‘One Day Course’ offered by the developers. This will grant participants with full training especially when it comes to choosing patients and producing information for satisfying results. Moreover, the process of using the equipment will be explained fully for faster treatment and efficient price estimate.
Diagnostics can be carried out online and practitioners will be provided with necessary tools for their planning. The set of tools include complete ‘inter proximal reduction system’, various study materials, digital results, customized retainer, and mousse re-mineralization for teeth (for IPR). Expected results will be sent after a week to the patient showing how teeth will look like after treatment.
Clients can find practitioners in the following locations: Carlisle, Chester, Newcastle, North Yorkshire, Penrith, and Northumberland. Dentists in these places are authorized to employ the patented equipment and are trained to perform teeth makeovers.
Oralign is specifically designed to treat dental problems with lesser pain and clearer results. This appliance is described to be transparent and durable that helps straighten teeth of kids, teens, and adults typically within fourteen weeks without affecting other teeth. This works by stripping portions of teeth lightly and applying pressure to align them. It usually takes less than fourteen weeks of progress when a patient wears them for fourteen hours every day, even during night time. After teeth are moved accordingly, a pre-made retainer will be placed to avoid them from moving back again. The amount of treatment depends on the patient’s case and the dentist’s judgement.


Achieve Permanent Sparkling White Teeth with Kor Whitening

Achieve Permanent Sparkling White Teeth with Kor Whitening

With Kor Whitening, any person will achieve whiter and more radiant-looking teeth. This bleaching system removes teeth stains, stubborn dirt and yellowish color, while the oxygen absorption of teeth is restored. Whitening agents used in this technique are fresh, strong and effective. Therefore, the expected bleaching results of clients are achieved by practitioners.
The system undergoes two levels of treatment. The first one is called a home whitening remedy, while the other one is the Kor deep bleaching. The first procedure includes customized teeth tray with 16% strong Carbamide Peroxide solution (whitening gel) that ensures six hours and more of active bleaching. This will be followed by a dental clinic procedure that involves a 34% strong Hydremide Peroxide solution.
Kor Whitening is a dental technology known as “KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching” developed by Dr. Rod Kurthy. This teeth treatment lasts permanently if continuously maintained at home. Also, products that are applied to whiten teeth have undergone expert studies and are clinically proven to be safe. There are no issues related to bleeding gums, harms to teeth, and poisoning linked to this technology.
The discomfort related to teeth whitening has been a concern for some patients. Due to this, Dr. Kurthy also developed a gel that will be applied during the process to lessen pain or sensitivity of clients. As a result, worries are eliminated and patients will no longer be afraid to undergo teeth whitening.
In this type of dental treatment, whiter results are more achieved by those patients who are in their younger years usually fourteen, but older people may still get satisfying results. This is due to the system’s rejuvenating ability that transforms old and yellowish teeth to their youthful glow. With this type of bleaching, teeth become sixteen shades lighter or even more.
For people who are sensitive with whitening agents, but are really interested in making their teeth sparkling white, Kor Whitening is the most recommended means to make this possible. This system works by molding the patient’s unique teeth trays. These are trays that are thin and fitting which allow clients to be comfortable even when sleeping or while doing daily tasks. With these trays, bleach is sealed inside and avoids gel from leaking to the client’s mouth. The final session will be completed in the Dentist’s clinic. This treatment is not one of the most affordable whitening technologies available in the market today, but Dr. Kurthy believes that clients will be more than satisfied.


Smile with Invisalign Braces in Essex

Smile with Invisalign Braces in Essex

Smiling is a necessity in life and more often this can’t be done without showing teeth. When dental problems are becoming nuisance to a person, Invisalign braces in Essex is an effective method to modify teeth alignment and bite position. Other treatable cases include spaced teeth, overly crowded teeth, overbite, underbite and crossbite.
The duration of treatment usually depends on the age and case of the patient. The progress also depends on the number of hours aligners are used. Recommended use for Invisalign is about twenty to twenty two hours a day. For adults, it will take about a year to finish the whole treatment, while for teens faster improvements are obtained.
Invisalign braces in Essex is an approach used to straighten teeth that designs aligners according to the specific need of a dental client. These aligners are created with smooth, comfy and transparent plastic that can be worn and removed easily.
By wearing these braces according to recommended hours, teeth will be shifted gently based on the assessment and plan made by the dental practitioner. The method used with these braces eliminates the requisite of attaching metals and tightening wires. After every two weeks, aligners are changed to a new set until the whole treatment is completed.
The treatment process involves different stages:
Stage 1: The beginning of the treatment is after a certified dental professional has been selected by the patient. Choice depends on the client’s schedule, budget and location.
Stage 2: After scheduling the consultation, assessment will be done by the chosen dentist. In here, important information will be given to the patient based on his or her dental case. Diagnosis and treatment will be communicated to the patient. If the client approves of the Dentist’s plans, the next step will take place.
Stage 3: X-rays, images and impressions of the patient’s teeth will be recorded. These will be used by the Dentist to create the expected image of Invisalign, teeth appearance after every session, and plans of treatment for the patient.
Stage 4: Transparent aligners will be crafted on the basis of the Dentist’s plan. These customized braces will be worn by the patient throughout the day and can be removed even during eating, brushing or flossing teeth.
Stage 5: After two weeks, new set of braces will be used by the patient. This means a progress to the treatment has been achieved.
For patients who are using Invisalign braces in Essex, some guidelines must be noted. For instance, cleaning aligners before sleeping is allowed. It will not damage braces. Even when playing sports, braces are safe and will not cause any mouth cuts. Also, these can be removed when eating or performing usual tasks.


Clear Dental Braces in Essex: A Way to a Healthier Smile

Clear Dental Braces in Essex: A Way to a Healthier Smile

Advancement in technology has already reached the dental practice field, which has brought improvements in traditional methods and has provided new developments in equipment and processes for patient benefits. A kid who is bullied for having braces or a lady who can’t enjoy smiling at a crowd can now make their lives at ease with clear dental braces in Essex.
This refers to a piece of equipment that allows modifications in dental abnormalities such as crowded teeth, under bite, overbite, cross bite, teeth spacing with the use of transparent braces for all ages. The technique applied in these braces involves straightening curved teeth, aligning teeth portions, treating unparalleled bite through reliable assessment and patient’s case-based treatment. Other than that, authorized practitioners employ updated autoclaves or sterilizers as well as ultra-sonic cleaning materials to guarantee the safety of all people involved.
Clear dental braces in Essex confers patients with benefits that cannot be experienced with traditional braces. The technique that is applied when placing braces is geared towards lessening pain during the process and discomfort after the treatment.
Other than presenting customers with various kinds of choices in forms and shapes, designs are customized according to the dental case of the client. Braces are also crafted in a form that will be blending naturally with teeth color unlike those traditional types that are very visible.
Another advantage for clients using these transparent braces is the simple way of cleaning them. Brace users will no longer need to visit their Dentists to maintain them. It can be removed when brushing teeth and be put back again. Hassles of calling for appointment, visiting the clinic and even going through the same pain are eliminated.
Also, patients will see expected results even after the assessment. In the initial procedure, the Dentist will determine problems and will plan modifications to be done. The patient will be informed of what will be the final outcome if a specific treatment has been accomplished. In the next session, customized braces will be created to meet the patient’s case. Following sessions will take place until desired outcome is achieved.
Clear dental braces in Essex has put away traditional metal brackets and visible wires from patient use. This is very helpful for people who always interact with other people and who need to work, while smiling. The way transparent braces are designed and formed is a reason in which clients prefer them than traditional kinds. There is no catch with these braces. Patients who are using such braces will no longer hold back their smile. Clients who are used to cover their mouth when laughing will no longer experience similar situations again. Even they’re wearing braces or after undergoing treatment, they can feel secure in talking, laughing and mingling with other people.


Teosyal in Essex: Be Wrinkle-Free, Worry-Free

Teosyal in Essex: Be Wrinkle-Free, Worry-Free

What sets Teosyal in Essex apart from its competitors? People now have a number of options when it comes to choosing the right dermal fillers for their skin. First off, what are dermal fillers? These are substances injected into the skin to help restore its moisture and youthful texture and glow. To choose the right kind, people will of course need to consult their doctor if it is agreeable to their skin type. Now, assuming that their skin is agreeable to dermal fillers, what makes this particular brand be among the top choices of everyone?

For one thing, it is very effective. By effective, this means not only do the people see results in a few days, but they get to observe it within the same day as the injection was done. People notice a remarkable reduction in their facial wrinkles and feel the difference with how their skin feels. After getting the treatment, they will not have the time to worry or wonder how much their skin might improve. They will be able to see it more quickly than they expect.

When it comes to side effects, other dermal fillers may cause redness and swelling. Even though this is a natural side effect and may disappear in a few hours to a couple of days, Teosyal in Essex
treatments report less occurrences of these side effects. This means that the treatment does really complement the skin’s natural processes. It also lessens the occasion for people to worry about what is happening with their skin.

Moreover, this dermal filler is friendly to the environment – it does not have any ingredients that come from animals and is comprised of natural proteins. This is also probably why it does not cause side effects as much as other dermal fillers do. Plus, if the people who choose this treatment have concerns about how it affects the environment, it will keep them free from worrying as it is not harmful to their skin and surroundings alike.

Apart from significantly reducing one’s facial signs of aging by lessening and smoothing out wrinkles, this treatment also gives people the comfort of knowing that it is a safe and effective treatment. While Teosyal in Essex helps in improving their skin, it also creates for them a process towards a new self that they are sure they can trust. After their treatment, they are not only wrinkle-free; they are also worry-free.


Restylane in Essex: The Path to Perfection

Restylane in Essex: The Path to Perfection

Aging is a reality that no one can avoid – and while it brings with it pleasant memories and accumulated wisdom, it also brings about some undesirable signs. One looks in the mirror and cannot help but long for those days when wrinkles were not a concern and the skin was soft and supple instead of sagging. There is no reason to worry or panic now, though, because Restylane in Essex is always just in time for anyone who needs to turn back time when it comes to his or her looks.

Restylane in Essex is a natural filler for the skin. By natural, it means that it is simply another form of a substance that is naturally produced by the body. Thus, when injected into the skin, it works with the body and skin’s natural processes. It is not something alien that the skin will need to adjust to or even possibly react to in a bad way. Because this filler is natural and safe, it simply stimulates the skin to create a younger, smoother look and feel to it.

A treatment that utilizes this skin filler perfectly complements any process in cosmetic dentistry that one undergoes. For example: one has a concern about being able to smile confidently. She may feel insecure about the alignment of her teeth, or perhaps their whiteness. At the same time, she is very conscious about the wrinkles and lines around her mouth and eyes that appear whenever she smiles. In such cases, the appropriate treatment may be applied to her teeth through cosmetic dentistry. Moreover, the use of natural skin fillers will address her concerns about her lines and wrinkles. After undergoing these treatments, she has just created a whole new younger-looking self!

The face is the first thing that anyone will see, notice, or observe in a person. This is why it is so important to make sure that one looks neat, pleasant, and very presentable. Whether one is speaking, listening, or saying a simple greeting, it matters a lot that one shows the best that he or she can be. So if one has any form of facial concern or details that he or she wishes to get rid of – such as wrinkles and other aging signs – then Restylane in Essex is one’s ticket to that much-sought path to perfection. After all, a perfect-looking smile does not just fill its owner with satisfaction, but it also brightens up the day of those it comes across with.


Juvederm in Essex: The Way to A Newer Self

Juvederm in Essex: The Way to A Newer Self

While most people feel that it is too late to do or try out new things, or feel it is too late to make a change, Juvederm in Essex will show them that it is never too late to save their skin from aging. They can still turn back time, at least where their skin is concerned. This is one new thing for them that they can try out, and later they will see the remarkable change it can make in their lives!

People age – not just every year, when they celebrate their birthdays, but everyday. Moreover, their aging is sped up by factors outside of the body’s natural processes. These factors include stress from work, extremely hot or cold weather, exposure to dust and pollution, eating the wrong food, or lack of sleep. With the fast-paced life that most people have to catch up to, it is not quite easy to escape these factors. This is why they need a solution that will work for them despite the presence of triggers that speed up aging.

The wonderful thing about Juvederm in Essex is that it addresses the aging concern of many people using a simple, non-surgical procedure. It is dermal filler that is injected into the skin, and it works its magic from there. What it does is stimulate the body’s natural process of producing substances that moisturizes the skin. In effect, the skin looks smoother, younger, and fresher. The way to a better, clearer, and younger skin has never been so natural and so easy. After making sure that one’s skin is agreeable to this kind of treatment, concerns about wrinkles and aging will all be history.

The amazing effects of Juvederm in Essex on the skin also last for a longer period of time than most other treatments. While others can promise better skin for a little over half a year, this wonderful skin solution produces effects that last for a year. This is quite an advantage especially when it comes to its costs and how it can easily be scheduled each year, since one does not need to keep going back for the injections often.

More than just getting the right treatment that is completely worth it, birthdays will now no longer be a reminder to people that each brings more signs of aging. After experiencing the treatment’s great effects, birthdays will now be all about fun and celebrating a newer self, instead of just an older self.


Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex: Putting A Smile on Everyone’s Faces

Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex: Putting A Smile on Everyone’s Faces

Whether one is in a big social event or is conversing privately with one or two people, it is important to be able to speak with confidence and smile sincerely. Cosmetic dentistry in Essex is considered by many as an essential part of their dental care as it ensures these scenarios. More than just the standard cleaning and maintenance of the teeth, this practice also takes care of a person’s overall looks and level of confidence and satisfaction with how they look and feel.

Most people would surely want to be able to express a hearty laugh or deliver a witty remark without having to cover their mouth or without having to decide between opening their mouth and not speaking up at all. Some common reasons why people feel insecure about talking or even laughing out loud at something funny are stained teeth, easily noticeable gaps between teeth, colored fillings, unattractive overbites, or misaligned teeth. Cosmetic dentistry in Essex can change all that.

This practice goes beyond keeping the teeth clean and free from cavities. It is also concerned with how the formation of the teeth affects the overall dental health of a person, and how it affects the appearance of a person’s face. It is aimed to improve a person’s physical appearance, as well as inspire confidence. It intends to enable people to speak, laugh, and smile naturally and sincerely, without having to think about whether they look great or not. It is focused on making people enjoy smiling for photographs and engage in conversations without thinking about how their teeth look. In its own way, this practice sets people free from worrying about how they look.

When people go to see a cosmetic dentist, they can begin with a consultation to talk about what they want to achieve, and find out whether it is advisable for them to undergo certain processes. On top of that, they will also be given further advice on what other treatments they might want to get for a new and improved appearance.

Cosmetic dentistry in Essex can take care of whitening teeth and maintaining them, closing unsightly spaces between the teeth, using white fillings for covering up holes and cavities, reshaping the teeth and gums, and straightening the teeth, among other things. It is truly amazing to learn so much about how it can make a difference both to one’s dental health and appearance. Just one consultation can make anyone realize how essential it truly is to one’s life.


How a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex Can Make a Difference

How a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex Can Make a Difference

A cosmetic dentist in Essex can make anyone’s smile brighter, more attractive, and happier. How exactly does he do that? Isn’t a smile already so bright that it can lift anyone else’s spirit, or isn’t it quite attractive already as it brightens up the face of a person? Further to that, how can he make a smile happier? Isn’t a smile already an indication of happiness? Here are the answers to these questions.

To begin, it is important to know that a cosmetic dentist in Essex is not only there to respond to a client’s request to straighten crooked teeth, whiten teeth that have been stained by years of drinking tea, or provide tips on how to stick to a proper oral care plan. More than that, he is also committed to making sure that his clients step out of his clinic with more than just a better set of teeth – he aims to make sure that the clients who step out of his clinic are also better, more confident, and deeply satisfied people. He simply wants them to be perfect.

Thus, seeing such a committed and passionate person to take care of one’s dental health is almost everyone’s necessity. He can make one’s smile brighter through ways he knows are best. Perhaps, he may recommend a simple whitening process, plus provide excellent advice on how to maintain and protect that whiteness. On top of the dental processes that he will conduct, he and his team will also share their philosophy that goes beyond dental health care. This is also why a person’s bright smile extends beyond its physical quality – it adds a certain glow to the smile of the person, thus making the smile brighter than it usually is.

When it comes to making a smile more attractive, the same thing applies. Whether it is the realignment of the teeth or repairing tooth gaps, the process is further enhanced by the confidence that is inspired in the person who underwent the treatment. Hence, a smile is more attractive not just because it shows a perfect set of teeth, but also because it gives the person a more charming and attractive character.

With all the wonders that a cosmetic dentist in Essex can do to a client, it is no wonder that a person’s smile will surely possess a happier feel to it. When a person smiles without holding back or without worrying about stained or crooked teeth, and he or she knows how great he or she looks, then it will surely reflect a happier smile.
