Category: Clearstep Braces

Clearstep Braces in Essex

Advantages Of Clear Aligners For Teeth Over Conventional Braces

Everyone wonders if it is possible to get their teeth straightened without wearing those metal braces which gives anyone a geeky or a nerdy look. Who will want to be the centre of bully and tease, wearing the bulky metal braces while everyone else is running around smiling their beautiful smiles? Thanks to technological advancement in dentistry, there is less need to worry about this now. Recent years have seen various technological improvements in the field of orthodontics and one such development is the Aligners for teeth.
Aligners for teeth have a clear advantage over conventional braces at any given time. Commonly, one can see kids and teenagers wearing metal braces. But adults are usually embarrassed of such metal braces and hence invisible aligners for teeth are popular and a major hit among the adults. It is also noted that these aligners are much more comfortable than the traditional braces. Aligners are also removable which means you can easily remove them while brushing your teeth or eating a meal. Actually it is very important to remove these aligners before eating food or drinking anything liquid other than water. Removal of aligners is mandatory while brushing too.
As part of using aligners for teeth treatment, you will also undergo computerized treatment planning. This planning is needed to calculate and monitor the time period of your treatment and the resulting smile. This planning also allows you to check the progress and to decide if you want to proceed with the treatment.
The major advantage of aligners for teeth is that, it avoids most of the side effects that arise when one uses the traditional braces. Apart from the advantages on cosmetic grounds, it also reduces the damage on supporting tissues and gums. When you are using non removable conventional metal braces, you may get affected with demineralization and tooth decay. Also it is noted that metal braces shorten the teeth roots, making them weak and vulnerable. But when you take aligners for teeth, very less force is used and hence there are no such side effects and also no pain is involved.
The other advantage of aligners for teeth is the time period of the treatment. While a conventional tooth straightening by metal braces takes about 3 – 5 years, aligners take only 1 – 1.5 years for the whole treatment. These are also very comfortable and much faster.
One another advantage of aligners for teeth is that these are clear and almost unnoticeable. It is noted that even the patients tend to not to notice that they are wearing any aligners in their mouth. They are easily removable by the user itself and you don’t need expert care each time you remove the aligners. These aligners reduce the chance of any type of gum disease, cavities or scars on the teeth.
Aligners for teeth are smooth and don’t have any sharp edges, wires or hooks to poke your cheeks. They are not irritable like normal braces. And you even have the advantage of removing them, if you don’t want to feel conscious in a really important social event.


ClearStep Braces – How Are They A Good Substitute Over Conventional Braces?

For the last few decades, the only solution for people with misaligned teeth was to undergo the conventional orthodontic treatment of wearing metallic braces. These braces worked well for almost everyone due to the lack of any good alternative treatment method. But now, thanks to the developments in technology and various laboratory tests, one has come up with various types of braces. One of them is called ClearStep Braces, which is based on the conventional orthodontic methods but has a modern touch to it.

ClearStep braces are a set of unique orthodontic appliances which constitutes of a series of clear trays that are graduated. These are custom made and fit in to the patient’s teeth which helps to reorder the teeth in a particular alignment. As these trays are clear, they are practically invisible when they are worn by the patients. Also you can easily remove these trays while you are eating and drinking and enjoy a normal meal. These ClearStep braces also let you do proper flossing and brushing of teeth that was not possible with conventional system. Proper Flossing and brushing was almost impossible while wearing conventional metal braces. This was because of the various wires, brackets and elastics one had to wear all the time. With these clear braces, even this is made simple. You can promptly take of the braces, brush/floss properly and pop them back onto your teeth.

ClearStep Treatment Method:

First consult your Dentist about your teeth misalignment. Your Dentist will inspect your teeth and make sure if they are fit enough to go through an orthodontic treatment. Then moulds will be made for your teeth and your gums to make sure that the trays will stay fit and proper in your mouth. The advantage is that these trays are made of light weight and invisible material, which you can continue wearing while performing your daily activities without the hindrance of any metal braces.

Various Advantages of Clearstep Braces over Conventional Braces:

• There are no irritations or discomfort associated, unlike metal braces which cause friction.

• These are invisible and can be worn any time.

• These braces are easy to handle and don’t require expert care each time. Unlike metal braces that are very hard to handle.

• You can easily remove your ClearStep braces when you are out for a dinner or some meeting.

• This type of braces protects your teeth surface enamel wear unlike metal braces which grind them and make them weak.

• When wearing metal braces, many people complain about white spot damage on their teeth due to prolonged wearing. This is not the case with ClearStep Braces.

• No Enamel decalcification occurs here.

ClearStep braces are innovative and very effective form of modern orthodontic treatment. Through this treatment method, you can easily realign your misaligned teeth into a straight line and also fill in any of the gaps between the teeth. Consult your doctor today to find out if ClearStep can help bring back that beautiful smile of yours.


How Can Clear Aligner Braces Straighten Your Teeth Without Being Obvious?

The only reason why people don’t want to undergo an orthodontic treatment involving wearing braces to correct their teeth misalignment is because– they are visible. It comes to notice more prominently, especially when you yourself start being to aware of it in public. This is where Clear Aligner braces come to help you out. Aligner braces are hardly noticeable by any other person and in many cases they work in around just six months.

The process of these aligner braces treatment is clearly interesting. Initially after thorough inspection of your teeth, your orthodontist will make an initial mould of your teeth. After this, a series of aligners will be made, which will represent the subsequent progress that will be made by your teeth as the result of the treatment. After these aligners are made, you can start using them. Usually an aligner works for about two to three weeks. After that you will have to use the next aligner that has been handed over to you. This aligner will be closest to your teeth alignment. If you work closely with the schedule of your first aligner brace, it will be easy for the next aligner braces to align your teeth and it will reduce the time period taken for teeth alignment.

The aligner braces used for this treatment process are built of clear material, and hence are barely noticeable by others. Also the pressure created by the aligner braces over your teeth is very low and gradual. As the pressure is applied through the aligners on the right spot, you won’t even experience any pain.

The major advantages with aligner braces are that you can easily remove these when it is necessary. You need not miss a social party or a business meeting just because you are wearing one. You can remove these aligners from your teeth, before the meet and gently pop them back once the meeting gets over.

But one has to be aware of the fact that these aligner braces are reserved for less severe cases only. This treatment method is effective only on minor cases that can handle clear aligners and can be cured in six months. For more severe cases, you will need to consider some other treatment method or any other option of dental braces.

Like all other dental brace options, clear aligner braces also uses a retainer. These retainers can be removed like the aligner braces themselves. These retainers are used so that the teeth will stay at their appropriate spots. This type of treatment helps most of the minor orthodontic misalignments. These are right for people who can handle it easily and these are not at all painful. Some of the best non-allergic materials are used to make these aligner braces.

So, if you have always dreamt for the perfect set of teeth to dazzle every one around you, consider getting yourself an aligner braces treatment with the help of your dentist. You will certainly notice a considerable change in you within a few weeks.


All About Clear Dental Braces in Essex

All About Clear Dental Braces In Essex
‘A smile can cure a million hearts’. This line is so true and we all have experienced it at some point in our lives. Even if we are a having bad day at the office a smile can out all our worries away and make us happy and loved. Verily, smile is as important aspect of a person’s personality as his hair or his style of dressing. In fact, smile is the dressing of the personality. And it is important that this dressing is in proper order. But everyone is not blessed with a perfect set of teeth. Even God can make mistakes. And that is why he created doctors and dentists. A brilliant option of fixing badly shaped teeth is to get clear dental braces in Essex.

But before you jump at the idea of getting clear dental braces in Essex, you need to know what exactly clear dental braces are, what procedure is involved and where to get clear dental braces in Essex.
The field of dentistry which deals with setting right misaligned teeth or teeth with any sort of gaps, crowding etc. is called Orthodontics. To get clear dental braces in Essex, you should always visit a recognized Orthodontist only. Also, the Orthodontist should be an expert about clear braces. Before selecting an Orthodontist to get clear dental braces in Essex check whether he is registered with the GDC or not. Also, a considerable amount of experience in the field of Orthodontics is another criterion before zeroing on dentists to get clear dental braces in Essex.
Now that you know how to select a dentist for the job, you also should know what options are available in terms of clear braces before getting clear braces in Essex or elsewhere. Presently, there are two options available when one talks of clear braces. The first option is the Inman Aligner. These are removable clear braces and a quick fix solution to straighten your teeth. The ext option in clear braces is Clear Step. These clear braces can help move the teeth and are a very good option if there is crowding involved.
You now have a basic overview of what exactly are clear braces and where to get clear dental braces in Essex. But there is a vital point missing here- the cost factor. After all, it is not possible for everybody to shell out huge sums of money for dental procedures. No matter how important that may be. The approximate cost of getting clear dental braces in Essex is 1,500 pounds. However, the exact cost can be told by the Orthodontics you have chosen for yourself.
Getting clear dental braces in Essex is a painless procedure and an effective one too. A very good Orthodontist who can do an excellent job of fixing clear dental braces in Essex is Dr. J. Basrai. He is a registered practitioner and has a vast experience and knowledge in the field of dentistry. Make sure to consult him once before you decide to do anything with your teeth.


Three Types of Invisible Braces

Three Types of Invisible Dental Braces

Whether you need braces as an adult and don’t want to look like you’re sixteen again or you’re checking out braces for your sixteen-year-old who will be totally embarrassed to have a mouthful of metal, you should definitely check out options for invisible braces. Most people automatically think of Invisalign braces, and, while these are a good option, they arenít the only invisible dental braces in Essex that you can possibly get. In fact, there are at least three different excellent options for braces that are difficult, if not totally impossible, to see. Here are some of the options that you might want to check out.

Invisalign braces are definitely some of the most popular. As you might already know, these braces are actually a little bit more like a clear retainer. They fit right over your teeth and slowly realign them so that they become straight. This option could be pretty expensive, but you’ll definitely want to check it out if your goal is to have totally invisible braces as a way to get your teeth back into good shape.

Another option for invisible dental braces in Essex is lingual braces. These are actually like the traditional metal and wire braces, but they actually go on the back of your teeth. If someone looks very closely, he’ll probably be able to tell that you have braces. However, they’re pretty much invisible unless a person is staring right at your mouth from close range. These braces might be a little uncomfortable on your tongue at first, but they can work just like traditional braces, and you’ll get used to them over time. This could definitely be an option to ask about.

One final option is even close to traditional braces. You can actually get ceramic braces that are about the same color as your teeth. Again, if someone is looking right at your mouth, she’ll be able to tell that you have braces, but they wonít be nearly as obvious as traditional metal braces. These braces work on the fronts of your teeth just like basic braces, but they are sometimes smaller and always harder to see. Even the wires that are used for these braces are tooth-colored.

So, if you’re looking for invisible dental braces in Essex, these three options are definitely ones that you should discuss with your orthodontist. They’ll give you a range of possibilities for braces that won’t be so obvious or embarrassing.


Approaches to Invisible Dental Braces

Approaches to Invisible Dental Braces
If you are looking for invisible dental braces in Essex it might be of use to know that there are more than just one or two ways that such a thing is available. There are six-month plans that rely on accelerated treatment and almost entirely invisible braces, there are clear braces that are attached to the back or the front of the patient’s teeth, and then there are removable “trays” that work in the same way as braces to realign the bite.
Which is the right one for you? Well, anyone in search of invisible dental braces in Essex is going to have to first consult with a qualified professional. Most of the newer dental systems that use invisible equipment require the dentist or orthodontist to receive certification, and identifying such professionals is the first step to finding a few qualified providers. The next thing to do is to schedule a consultation with a few of these certified individuals to see if your teeth are suited to such treatments.
While most adult patients over the age of fifteen are found to be suitable candidates for the use of invisible braces, not all people can use them. For example, someone with a bite pattern far out of line may need the old-fashioned retainers and wire braces that are used for a year or more to slowly pull the teeth into the proper positions. While this is a somewhat rare scenario, all providers will require potential patients to submit to this sort of pre-screening consultation.
Once the patient is approved for treatment with invisible dental braces in Essex they will then have x-rays and casts of their teeth made and may even need some additional treatments done at that time. For instance, someone with too many adult teeth may need them removed, those with advanced decay will need this treated, and someone with damage to the roots or gums may need preventative and restorative care before their invisible braces can be applied.
While most invisible braces boast a four to nine month treatment time, there are those cases that may require a full year or more for success. The reason for any extended treatment period is not due to a failure in the system or the specialized equipment but usually due to the need to protect the teeth. Accelerated orthodontic treatment is not any more uncomfortable than traditional approaches, but realigning the teeth can put undue strain on the roots, and a qualified professional will be able to quickly see if their patient is suited to the slower treatment or qualified for the faster process.
