Category: Dental Implants

Tooth Implants In Essex

Tooth Implants In Essex

Missing a tooth can reduce confidence. Whether you are a man or a woman or at any age it can make you feel self conscious. Tooth implants in Essex can offer a number of benefits including-

A better facial appearance- As well as the obvious (ie a missing tooth) there is the danger that it can affect facial symmetry as the face sags in the area where the tooth is missing.
Less damage to teeth- The danger with some bridges that are fixed on the teeth is that they can cause stress on the teeth.
Cleaning is easy- It is just like brushing and flossing normally!
Better suited to your daily life- Unlike other treatments they are not going to come loose. This means you can exercise, eat any foods you normally like and so on without fear of anything coming loose.
More self confidence- This isn’t just hype! Studies have shown that people with dental implants are statistically more self confident than those without.

How effective are tooth implants?

A recent study showed that 96% of tooth implant procedures are effective. In nature the tooth is held in place by the root. With an implant this is made of metal but in effect replaces where the tooth would normally be, encouraging the growth of tissue and in effect replacing the tooth.

Why titanium?

Dentists tend to use titanium because it is the most compatible with teeth. Once it is installed into the upper or lower jaw tissue grows around it and you can enjoy a complete mouth again.

Who can benefit from dental implants?

If you have a damaged or missing tooth dental implants can be used as an alternative to bridges or dentures. This is especially good for people who have prominent missing teeth but do not want dentures or bridges that could potentially get worn down or slip.

How do I get dental implants?

First of all you need to talk with us and get a Free consultation. We can do scans and look at your overall oral health to see if installing dental implants is appropriate for your personal requirements. Things like how the tooth was damaged and the length of time there has been a gap can affect whether or not the procedure is possible.

How long will the procedure take?

After an initial consultation additional scans and checkups may be required. Your dentist is there to help and can plan a schedule to suit your particular requirements. It is also vital to avoid eating or drinking six hours before the treatment.

Can smoking affect my implant?

While smoking is bad for your health in general people often forget the effect it can have on oral health. Discolouration of the teeth is a consequence of smoking but equally the damage it causes the mouth can lessen the chances of you being allowed implant treatment!

For more information contact us on 01375481000 today!


Dental Implants

Dental Implants Can Help You Chew More Effectively

There are numerous things people can do to lose weight. The obvious is to exercise more and cut down fatty foods (and naturally for dentists this means less sugary foods of course to keep your teeth in tip top condition!) However what you may not realise is that how you eat your food can have an effect. Furthermore dental implants can help you chew more effectively, aiding digestion and allowing you to get the full benefits from the food you eat.

Why does chewing food more benefit my health?

• You feel fuller faster- In some respects this is because you physically less in the time that you eat. You still feel full but the amount you have eaten is less, thus maintaining portion control. It is generally said the feeling of fullness only registers 20 minutes after you eat.
• More nutrients- Saliva breaks down food more and allows the body to absorb more nutrients. Increased chewing means more saliva and thus more nutrients get absorbed.
• Reduces the risk of heartburn and digestive problems- Slower chewing and increased saliva neutralises stomach acid, reducing the risk of heartburn and digestive problems such as irritable bowels.
• Prevent plaque build up- Increased saliva reduces plaque build up and kills harmful bacteria.

How will dental implants improve my chewing?

Dental implants worked in a similar way to natural teeth. Provided that the area around the bone is suitable for the implant you can then get the titanium implant into the teeth. Once the jawbone has properly healed the cosmetic dentist then installs the titanium implant.

Once inserted the titanium implant allows for easier chewing. However it is worth remembering that it needs to be cared for and cleaned in the same way as a normal tooth in order to make sure it works properly!

Will the procedure hurt?

Installing the titanium implant uses a local anaesthetic and so should not hurt during the operation, although some people may suffer a slight ache for a brief period after the procedure is finished. If you have any concerns you should discuss this with the cosmetic dentist during the consultation period.

Is the procedure guaranteed?

Provided you properly look after the implant they should last for at least 15 to 20 years. Fortunately if there are any problems they can be easily removed and replacements can be put back again if necessary, although the vast majority of operations are usually successful.

What do you do to ensure dental implants are appropriate?

Dental implants are not for everyone! This can be affected by smoking, the positioning of the teeth and general oral hygiene. Procedures such as X rays and scans can be used to ascertain whether or not treatment is appropriate.

In short it is worth popping in and booking an appointment to see if dental implants can help you get the full benefits from your diet. With the right treatment you can get the full benefit of a good chew!

Call us on 01375481000 to schedule a Free Consultation with our Dental Specialist.


Dental Implants to Replace a Single Tooth in Essex

Dental Implants to Replace a Single Tooth in Essex

If you are an individual who has lost several teeth, you will be required to get a set of dentures which is considered to be the most workable replacement option. However, if you lose a single tooth, there are several options readily available that you can use and you will be require to have a clear-cut in order to make the right decision. Single replacement of tooth comes in various options and will vary greatly when it comes to cost, look and the procedure use. One perfect option is dental implants to replace a single tooth in Essex. Keep reading to learn more.
Dental implants to replace a single tooth in Essex are the best options when it comes to patients having dental problems that are either aesthetic or functional. Here, a single tooth is replaced to a complete arch construction and this in turn helps in the restoration of a natural smile and at the same time improves the patient’s self-esteem and comfort.
When it comes to dental implants to replace a single tooth in Essex, there is a procedure that is used in order to make the implantation worthwhile. A person who does the work is known as a dental implant and all he does is to use a titanium screw to secure a fresh crown perfectly into the jawbone. The best thing about this kind of implant is that, it does not at any time harm the teeth that are surrounding the missing tooth. This means that all the abutment teeth will survive as required. Additionally, there is lower risk involved and higher success rate achieved with this kind of procedure.
In order for dental implants to be successful and securely supported, there are some things that need to be adhered to. These include the following:
A patient’s gums, bones and general health must be healthy since surgical procedure is involved.
It is a must for the patient to have a will of practicing consistent oral hygiene in order to keep the gum tissues free from any diseases or infections.
If a patient lacks the above, it may not be possible enough for the surgical dentist to go ahead with the procedure without administering additional treatment to the patient.
Dental implants that are used to replace a single tooth in Essex will greatly be determined by some factors. This factors in short influences how much money a patient is supposed to pay once the treatment has successfully be administered.
Firstly, the type of implant a patient ought to receive will determine the cost of the procedure.
The level that the dentist who is to administer the treatment will also influence how much money will be paid for the procedure.
The stages that will be involved in administering the procedure will determine the overall cost.
The procedure involves a team effort which entails of different general dentists working together with each making emphasis on each step of the procedure. For instance, one dentist may take the responsibility of performing an implant surgery while the rest will help in inserting a crown on top of the implant. It is for this reason that the cost of implants will tend to differ greatly as well.


All on 4 Dental Implants in Essex

All on 4 Dental Implants in Essex

All on 4Dental Implants in Essex basics

This is a concept which is a revolutionary new technique which was developed in order to minimize the number of implants and steps required to restore a whole jaw

. By reducing the number of implants and steps, the costs in the procedure are reduced too. In the past 6 to10 implants were required so as to restore a whole jaw which is a very different case when on opt for the using modern techniques and views in implant dentistry. However, there are those patients who are ideal for this special kind of treatment. Such patients include:
those who have full or partial dentures or rather those with multiple missing teeth as a result of periodontal disease
those who are just missing many teeth not necessary a resultant of any disease
those with missing crowns and bridges

Which are so of the major benefits of this type of treatment?
There are some of the benefits which are accompanied with this type of treatment. These benefits include;
When one uses this kind of treatment there is no need for them to wear a denture while the implants are on the process of healing as fixed bridge can be provided on the same day as the implant surgery.
The treatment process is very quick compared to other treatment processes.

While using this treatment one can normally avoid costly grafting by placing the implants at clever angles.
In this type of implant one does not need one implant per tooth thereby the treatment helps the patient to save a lot of money as there is a reduced number of steps.
Which are the techniques behind this kind of treatment or rather how does it work?

Each and every kind of treatment has its own specialized mode of operation and even some of the treatments have their specialists who are trained and have advanced knowledge or rather they are experts on those specialized treatments.
As far as this treatment is concerned the logic behind it is the angle at which the implants are placed. Two of the implants must be placed at an angle of approximately 30 to 45 degrees to the centre implants producing a bracing support and spreading out the load from which the bridge transmits along the implants. In this connection, when using this type of treatment they should ensure that the correct measures have been taken to avoid messing up. Some of the things that one should do are;
One should ensure that All on 4 Implants have remained healthy
One should take care of the upper jaw this is because the highest success rates for this type of treatment are in the lower jaw.

One should ensure that the implants are going in firmly to have an immediate bridge as this type of treatment relies on the implants going in firmly to have an immediate bridge.
With the use of all on 4 Dental Implant in Essex, it should not be difficult getting your teeth properly fixed for an enhanced look and general appearance.

Call 01375481000 for a Free Consultation with Mr Prem Nair our Specialist Implantologist.


All about Dental implants in Essex

All about Dental implants in Essex

In spite of the advancement in dental techniques and enhancements in service, because of injury, gum disease or tooth decay, countless people the world over could suffer loss of tooth. The only options that people had for many years were bridges and dentures. But as time has passed by, the introduction of dental implants has helped to solve a number of problems. Dental implants in Essex are in great demand these days.
What exactly are the dental implants? –
Dental implants have become very popular for treating roots of teeth. Implants provide sturdy footing for removable or permanent teeth replacement. These devices are created and chosen to match the natural teeth of the patient perfectly.
What would you get from the implants? –
The dental implants could replace a certain number of teeth without affecting the other teeth. They could strengthen bridges and eliminate need for detachable fractional denture too. They would also support dentures which is what makes the technique more safe and comfortable.
What benefits do implants offer?
If a dental implant is fitted successfully, you could enjoy many benefits such as improved appearance, improved comfort, improved self-confidence, better speech, improved dental health, stress-free eating, etc.
Improved appearance –
Once you take help of dental implants in Essex your teeth would look very natural and you would experience the difference immediately. You would not have to be concerned about longevity of the implants because they are long lasting. This has been accomplished with updated design that fuses with the bone flawlessly.
Improved comfort –
A dental implant would give you complete comfort, removing the feeling of dentures as the teeth would become an integral part of the original teeth structure.
Improved speech –
Fitting of other types could be troublesome for loose teeth. This could result in mumbling indistinct words or slurring. Then again, dental implants would help you in speaking loud and free without any worries about slip of the teeth.
Enhanced dental health –
The technique of bridge supporting tooth needs reducing the other teeth however when dental implants are fitted, the other teeth are unaffected. This leaves the teeth that are natural intact. In turn, this improves long-term oral health as well as oral hygiene.
Stress-free eating –
Dental implants in Essex make chewing a very easy task so that you could eat all the foods you like without any discomfort.
Stability –
Dental implants are durable and long lasting. If they are taken care of very well, they could last a very long time.
Could implants be considered an extremely successful technique?
Honestly, the success rate of dental implants could vary as per where implant was performed and place of implant. However in regular situations it is seen that approximately 98% of the implants could be looked upon as successful. Hence, if you could get the implant fitted with maximum efficiency and good care, it would last a very long time.
Is the technique very painful? –
Most patients who have opted for this technique have reported that they have experienced little or no discomfort when the dental implants are fitted. The dentist could make use of local anesthesia for the process. Most patients say that dental implants involve reduced pain as compared to other techniques like tooth extraction.


10 things to ask before placing Dental Implants in Essex

An amazing treatment for people who have some teeth missing or are set to lose them is dental implants. The functionality, feel and look of these implants are closest you could get to natural teeth. But getting dental implants fitted is a surgical treatment that you would have to take extremely seriously. It is important that you be very careful and are aware of 10 things to ask before placing dental implants in Essex so that you can rest assured that you are in the best situation possible for successful outcome.

1) Does the doctor make use of latest computer technology and 3-D x-ray imaging to ensure implant is placed in right location with enough bone?
Not many doctors make use of 3-D imaging for help in placement of implant. The technology of cone beam helps clinicians know the exact location where the implant is to be placed and if the bone is sufficient. There is no room for guesswork.
2) Will the dentist make use of guides or surgical stents?
Proper placement of implant is not much of prosthetic dilemma nowadays as surgical stents are being used. The stents offer communication between restoring dentist and surgeon so that implant is fitted at ideal prosthetic angulation and position. The last thing you want after placement of the implant when it is time to fit the crown is that the position of the implant is incorrect.
3 & 4) How much experience does the doctor have in fitting dental implants? What is the number of implants they have fitted in the course of their career?
Usually, all patients would prefer working with clinicians who are highly skilled and have years of experience before letting them fit dental implants. See to it that you ask the doctor questions about experience, training and number of implants.
5) When does the doctor plan to load implants? Why?
Many doctors would load implants same day. Some might prefer loading them progressively. Others might load them 4 to 6 months later. Every doctor would have a reason for doing this and each would be appropriate as per the situation. This is why you should ask the doctor these questions.
6) What is success rate of the doctor in a span of five and 10 years?
When it comes to dental implants, success rate is very high in majority cases but doctors that do not use latest technology or lack experience tend to have lower success rate. Hence ask for their rate of success for 5 as well as 10 years post-operation.
7) What is the number of surgeries that would be required?
It is important to know in advance the number of surgeries that would be required. In a number of cases it would be beneficial to get second opinion.
8) Would the doctor be restoring the implant?
Many times, doctors place implants and restore them, too. You should inquire about the possibility of this option as well as who would be performing the restoration. Restoration is equally important as placement of implant with respect to long term stability.
9) Would the doctor make use of sedation?
You would be more comfortable with the surgery if you are given oral sedation or intravenous conscious sedation. Ask about the availability of the service.
10) Who is restoring your implant if not your doctor? What rate of success do they boast?
If your dentist is fitting the dental implant but will not be restoring it, question them about experience of doctor who would be doing it. What is ratio of their success? Have they undergone advanced courses?


Dental Implants in Essex for beautiful natural looking teeth

Dental Implants in Essex for beautiful natural looking teeth

There are many people who are not aware of the fact that insurance options for dental implants in Essex are available. Here is an idea of what normally occurs. You will visit a dentist after a long time has passed since your last trip to the dental expert’s office. You will find that the dentist grimaces on looking at your precious teeth and appear to be very worried. Then they will give you some bad news. Many teeth need to be removed. A lot of people find such an approach emotionally traumatizing besides being incredibly stunning.
When teeth are pulled out from the mouth, they will not grow again. You might think that it is no big deal however from the cosmetic angle it might obviously have an impact on the self-confidence and self-esteem of the individual. In addition, it is even difficult for an individual to communicate clearly and eat food if there are many teeth missing in their mouth. This is the way they are so unbelievably useful.
Basically dental implants in Essex work like substitution teeth. It is obvious that there is never going to be a genuine alternative to teeth we have in our mouth but they come close. Science and technology has evolved in such a way that a huge population of people could truly be helped on having them fitted in the mouth.
From the procedural point of view, the process itself would typically take many hours. However, the main factor it depends on is the number of implants that need to be fitted. Moreover you will have to be aware of the fact that the dental implants in Essex are actually alternate options for a complete set of teeth. Typically, these are called dentures however they tend to be identified by some other terms on occasion.
As most of the insurance firms fail to cover purchasing price of the dental implants in Essex, it could be important that you take some time out to consider the method that you could opt for depending on your capability to finance the procedure. There is good news though. You can actually decide on buying insurance for dental implant that would help to reduce a large amount of costs that are associated with surgical procedure involved for fitting the devices.
As aforementioned, you will have everything to gain and nothing to lose if you clean your pearly whites frequently and remember to make regular visits to the dental clinic in order to get teeth cleaned every six months. Of course this is not an assurance on any account that you would never require dental implants at an unspecified time later in life. However it would truly decrease the chance of you running directly into problems of teeth you have in the mouth and that you use every day. Take the advice of the dentist to heart and do whatever they tell you to in order to preserve nature’s gift. Dental implants or any cosmetic dentistry procedure for that matter should be tried only as a last resort after everything else fails.


Dental Implants in Essex

The Smile and Face dental Studios in Essex recognise that the loss of teeth can really affect the way older people smile, talk and eat. A dental Implant in Essex is a long term solution that can change your life and give back your confidence and address the more serious issue involved – the Bone loss beneath the surface.

Without your tooth to stimulate the jaw, the bone beneath it will begin to shrink.

Since facial bone supports skin and muscles, losing volume can make your face look prematurely aged.

The good news is that a dental implant offers a solution to stop bone loss in its track and make you look and feel younger.


Mini Dental Implants in Essex

Your smile is an essential part f your personality that actually adds colors to your nature and gives a very clear impression of the persons thoughts that one has. Teeth actually make up for the smile that can either be very welcoming or disconnecting. One has to be very careful with their smiles and teeth to maintain a level of socializing with other people in a small non-metropolitan county called Essex. Hence we can say that everything is interconnected with each other. Good teeth results in a beautiful smile which in turn confirms your social acceptability.

Sometimes a missing tooth or bad tooth not only annoys you in talking and eating but also looks disagreeable to people around. Had the missing teeth because of an accident or during a sports game it is unlikely to adjust the social circles with a missing tooth. In order to avoid such a circumstance the mini dental plants in Essex are a sigh of relief for the people living Essex. Such programs are usually available in bigger cities of bigger countries, but if you live in Essex, you are lucky enough to have it done at local dental care centers that offer surgeries and dental implants too.

Dental implant basically is a titanium wire that is attached to the lower jaw bone. It has a ball shaped extended end.  Above the implant is a fixture containing a rubber O-ring. When the denture is attached to the fixture, the O-ring jumps over the ball shaped implant fixing the denture at just the right level. In dental implants, there are chances of the implant to be showing from your mouth or it might keep moving in your mouth causing discomfort but in case of mini dental implants in Essex are ways out from all of this. The mini dental implants tend to stay in place and due to its micro size it remains in the root and makes your fake tooth look exactly like your natural teeth and feels like it too.

Now the mini implants have solved the major problems of bad smile and crooked teeth for the people of Essex. The fake tooth or teeth not only match exactly with the real teeth of a person but also add beauty to your perfect face. The mini dental implants in Essex have made the lives of the people of Essex a lot more convenient and social for them. The better you smile the better you are accepted and the better you will enjoy life.

The big and renowned dental surgery centers include the Smile and Face studios @ Chafford Hundred Dental Care for mini dental implants in Essex.  In terms of mini dental implants, the people of Essex have been lucky to have it all in their small county. And can enjoy life before its too late!

Call us on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation!


Dental Implants in Essex


With the world becoming more materialistic and more glamour worshiping it is hard for a person to adjust if they have any of the physical abnormalities or oddity from the rest of the crowd. Like your figure or clothes, teeth are one essential part of your appearance that counts a lot when it comes to personality checks. People often consider your smile and in turn your perfect teeth as a measure of your faultless looks.

If these beautiful teeth are missing or not in such a good shape or color, you might feel a little low about it, you might not feel as confident, and you might not be fully accepted in your class of people with better teeth. That is a nightmare for a popular personality living in the exotic scenery of Essex. Essex is a small metropolitan county to the east of England. The place being small one has to be very sure of their social circle and to be a part of it all they have to be a complete personality in a world of competition. The dental implants in Essex are an easy way out for all those who have a hard time with their teeth.
Dental implants in Essex are definitely there to help you get over your dental issues specially those related to bad teeth or missing teeth. A wide number of hospitals or dental surgical centers are to help you get rid of the trouble of your teeth you had been living with. The best of the dental implants in Essex include Chafford Hundred Dental Care!

Dental implants in Essex are just like the dental implants in any other corner of the world. With the increased technological resources the dental implant, that is, a small metallic wire that forms a bridge between the teeth and the jaw bone, and it carries a false tooth or a combination of unreal teeth. The dental implant is a simple procedure that requires a small localized surgery with sedation. The implant is placed in the missing tooth’s place and is first adjusted with the jaw bone and is allowed to accommodate itself. Later a tooth is supported on top of the implanted wire. This takes more than 3 months in the lower jaw and more than 6 months with the upper jaw teeth’s treatment.

Living in Essex if you have lost a tooth in an accident or an athlete in his game, he should not worry anymore. Your smile can be beautified again by using the dental implants in Essex, treated by the top oral surgeons in the highest ranked dental surgery centers within the premises of Essex. You don’t need to worry about your county being small the essentials of life is just a few steps away from you. Explore before time runs out for you!

Call us now on 01375481000 for a Consultation with our specialist!
