The New Snap on Smile from the USA is now available in Essex.

Many patients would love to sort out their crooked and misaligned teeth but due to their limited budget cannot afford to do so- until now! The Snap on Smile is a fantastic new appliance which helps to straighten and whiten your teeth without any injections or drilling down your teeth.
Therefore, if you have a phobia of coming to the dentist and would love to have a straighter smile without damaging your natural teeth – a snap on smile could be right up your street.

Dont let expensive dentistry like Veneers prohibit your confidence with your smile.

Most of our patients have found snap on smiles in essex a real delightful and non invasive procedure. These devices are removable so you can eat and drink and clean your teeth as you normally would.

Contact us on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.

snap stuff


Botox In Essex with Azzalure!

We have introduced many services at our dental practice, but the most popular has been without a shawdow of a doubt has been the introduction of Botox- Botulinium toxin for non surgical treatment of wrinkles.

These tiny little wrinkles- also know as Rhytids- can add years to your facial features- can be treated very easily at your next dental appointment with us.

Thus, not only can we whiten your teeth to make you look younger, we have the skill and expertise to make you look up to 10 years younger.

We can diminish the lines around your face with painless Botox Injections .

Give us a call on 01375481000 Now!


Enlighten Tooth Whitening Now Available in Essex

We at Chafford Hundred Dental Care in Essex are now proud to introduce the latest innovation in Tooth Whitening called Enlighten Teeth Whitening.
We take an Impression of your teeth , which is sent to a special laboratory , where sealed bleaching trays { Shields to wear over your teeth } are made. You then wear these every night for two weeks, after you have a final one hour treatment at the surgery. Enlighten is great for those teeth which are in good condition but the wrong colour!

This particular company guarantees to lighten your teeth to the top shade of natural whiteness of their chart.

The results last indefinately as long as the trays are worn six nights a year after the initial treatment.
