Tag: invisalign braces london

Invisalign Braces in London

Invisalign Braces in London

If you are considering getting your teeth fitted with clear braces or invisible braces, you should start looking out for Invisalign dentists. In recent years London has seen an increase in the number of cosmetic dentists offering treatments of teeth alignment that involve Invisalign Braces. It is very clear why Invisalign Braces in London are so appealing. Let us look at what actually occurs when you meet a dentist who specializes in Invisalign. Dentists in London who offer the alternative of invisible braces to wire or mental braces are capable of offering solutions that are particularly different from brace of any kind that has been used previously to align the teeth.

Invisalign Aligners London
Invisalign Aligners London

It is very essential that you are aware if you plan to go for transparent braces. You should understand implications of your decision completely. Without doubt, there are numerous reasons and advantages why people always go for invisible or clear braces over the metallic ones however so as to make well-formed decision with regards to what is the right option for you, you should be able to appreciate the way clear braces are different from conventional ones from the beginning when you meet the Invisalign dentist. No matter which kind of brace they are offering all dentists would begin in the same manner. They would perform complete examination of the patient’s teeth and take accurate molds in order to get an idea of the current position of the teeth.
When it comes to the conventional metallic braces, the examination as well as mold would be used for creating custom-made braces that you would have to wear for a minimum of two years. If you decide to go for Invisalign braces instead, besides the standard examination with mold, an extremely accurate impression of the teeth would be taken too. It is extremely essential that the impression is accurate, even the most minor detail of every tooth should be taken into account because the next step involves scanning of the impression of the teeth in a computer where a virtual completely 3-D model of the entire teeth set is created.

invisalign braces london
invisalign braces london

The virtual reality 3-D version of the teeth allows the dentist and Invisalign specialists to examine the position of every teeth accurately and precisely from range of positions and angles. Then they go one step further and do something very special. They use the computer to move the teeth around in virtual dimension so that they are able to plan the best position of the teeth to ensure accurate result of teeth alignment and also generate a number of intermediate stages from the alignment of the teeth as they actually exist and the result that is desired.

invisalign braces london
invisalign braces london

This is done because you would wear every set of Invisalign braces for around a fortnight unlike conventional metallic braces that are fitted at the beginning of treatment and removed only after a minimum of two years when the process of teeth alignment is complete. The replacement sets of Invisalign braces are a bit different from previous sets. This is carefully planned after the dentist uses computer model for plotting every stage of the procedure accurately.
This is how a satisfactory outcome is likely. Also the complete process does not take a lot of time unlike the traditional braces. The end result is achieved in months instead of years. Hence, if you wish to get your teeth aligned more accurately and quickly, you should visit a London Invisalign dentist to know more about how Invisalign braces would make a great difference to you.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai.
