Are you fed up eating with loose dentures that make you gag or feel ill when you eat? Do you wish you could chew food more efficiently?
Are you embarassed to speak because your dentures fall out when you illicit a conversation?
We may have the solution to all your denture problems at our offices in Essex.
We have the facility to offer you dentures with either mini implants or regular dental implants that firmly stabilise your denture into the mouth and virtually lock it into place so that you can eat or speak with added confidence.
Would you like to bite into an apple or chew into a piece of steak like you did many years ago? Would it be nice not to suffer from indigestion or ulcers in your stomach because of the inability of not being able to masticate your food??
Give us a call on 01375481000 and we may even prolong your life with the latest techniques in denture stabilisation in Essex.