Tag: cosmetic dentists essex

How To Compare Cosmetic Dentists Essex

In some respects choice is good. If there was only one brand of clothing we would get bored quickly. If the only ice cream flavour was vanilla then you would have a lot of people who didn’t like ice cream because they don’t like that flavour (same with chocolate, strawberry etc). Likewise there are a number of cosmetic dentists Essex to choose from and it is worth knowing how to find the one who is right for you!


Location is obviously an issue. You need to ensure that the dentist is reasonably near you so that you are not spending too much money travelling towards them.


This is not simply about who is the cheapest. You need to consider how much the treatment costs but also what you are getting for that price. Also it is worth remembering that treatments that seem cheap at first may prove cheaper in the long term.

For example most adult braces are fitted for around two to three years. This means that during that time you need them to be properly fitted and this can take a number of visits. If you get the more expensive six month model by definition this needs fewer visits, so it is worth considering the overall cost in the long term as well as the upfront costs.


Another good example of this is teeth whitening. It is possible to get a home whitening kit and apply it yourself. However this relies on you closely following the instructions and being able to apply it and get the best results. For a more even application and to ensure it is applied safely it is better to use a professional service.


One of the most crucial things of all! You need to be sure that the person doing a treatment is qualified to do so. Furthermore if someone is nervous a professional will help them relax and make them understand the process, allowing people to make a more informed decision.

Equally you need to remember that they may not do the treatment themselves but work with another professional. If this is the case they ought to be able to show that the people they work with are qualified and experienced as well.

Initial consultation

A cosmetic dentist ought to offer a free consultation. This will allow you to ask any questions you may have and also allows the dentist to check your oral health and decide the appropriate treatment to suit your personal requirements.

Talk to Dr Basrai on 01375 481000 to schedule a Free consultation to see what he can do for you!



Cosmetic Dentists Essex

Cosmetic dentists Essex

The term “cosmetic” often gives people the impression of something that is fashionable. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good and an industry is based on people maintaining youthful looks. However Cosmetic dentists Essex is about more than just making your face look good (although this is good in and of itself!)

Why is this important?

The mouth (and most specifically the smile) are a big part of appearance. You do not necessarily have to look like a movie star but if you have a good smile and a confident air it can often help charm people.

Think about the situations that can be improved by smiling. A smile often indicates trust, happiness and contentment. If a waiter sees you scowling after you say the food is “fine” they are unlikely to think you are being sincere (even if you are).

What does a cosmetic dentist do?

A cosmetic dentist can look over your teeth in much the same way as a regular dentist does. They can advise you on the state of your oral health in order to make sure that your mouth is properly maintained.

Services that a cosmetic dentist can offer include-

Teeth whitening
Dental implants
Porcelain veneers

I don’t want to look fake. How can I be sure I don’t get whitened teeth that blind people like car headlights?

As with any industry certain myths can persist. There is the idea that anyone can instantly tell if you have had work done on your teeth. However cosmetic dentistry is a fine balance between artistic and technical ability. A good cosmetic dentist knows that the end results have to improve appearance while still appearing to be natural.

That’s all well and good but what else can you offer besides an improvement on the surface?

Depending on the treatment, a lot!

Dental treatments can make it easier for you to eat
They can improve speech, something that is vital if your job requires you to give presentations or you simply want to improve your communication skills. You could be able to recite Shakespeare from memory but it is less impressive if people can’t understand you!
Improved oral health- Dental treatments can reduce the development of gum disease.
Reduced complications- People forget that gum disease can be an initial symptom of serious problems such as heart attacks and lung failure. It may seem strange but regular trips to a dentist can prevent this!

In short cosmetic dentists Essex can offer improved looks, self confidence but also improved oral health as well. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!


How to Find a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

How To Find A Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Are you interested in improving your smile? Sometimes, a simple cavity filling isn’t enough. If you need a considerable amount of work done on your teeth, you may want to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. Although your NHS dentist may be able to provide you with assistance, cosmetic dentistry is often considered a completely different medical field.

As more individuals become concerned with the appearance of their teeth, cosmetic dentistry is increasing in popularity. For that reason, you should have a number of local cosmetic dentists to choose from. Do you know how you can find them though?

One of the easiest ways to find a cosmetic dentist is to ask your NHS dentist. Even if your dentist can perform the procedure that you are looking for more information on, like dental implants, he or she will still likely understand and respect your decision to seek care from a specialist. Asking your NHS Dentist for information and feedback on area cosmetic dentists, especially those that specialize in surgical procedures, is nice, as you likely won’t be sent to just anyone.

The internet is another easy way that you can go about finding local cosmetic dentists. To get you started, you may want to use online business directories, which are typically provided by search engines. You can search for a specific type of business, like a cosmetic dentist, and your location, like Essex. The information that you will be provided with may vary, but you should get the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of cosmetic dentists in or around your immediate area.

In keeping with using the internet to find a cosmetic dentist, namely one that specializes in surgical procedures, you can perform a standard internet search. When doing so, your search phrase should look like this ” cosmetic dentist Essex .” Your internet search will likely lead you to the online websites of area dentists. Not only should you use these websites to get contact information, but also examine them for sample rates, lists of procedures performed, as well as before and after pictures.

Your local phone book can also be used to find area cosmetic dentists. What you will want to do is turn to the back of your phone book. Here, you will find a business directory section, which is also commonly known as the yellow pages of the phone book. Under the heading of dentists, you should see information on your local options. Unless your local phone book categorizes dentists, like pediatric dentists and cosmetic dentists, look for listings with the word “cosmetic,” in them.

Aside from asking your NHS dentist for suggestions, your next best option is to speak with those that you know. Ask your friends, relatives, neighbors, or coworkers if they have ever been to a cosmetic dentist before. If they have, who did they visit? Were they satisfied with the results? Does he or she charge affordable rates? Getting recommendations from those that you know will lessen the amount of background and reputation checking and you will have to do yourself.

As an important reminder, you will want to do more than find a cosmetic dentist who specializes in surgical procedures. You will want to actually choose one. When making your choice, examine fees, qualifications, before and after pictures, and success rate versus complication rate.

Give us a call on 01375481000 and speak to our friendly cosmetic dentists in Essex for a FREE Consultation and visit us on https://www.basrai.co.uk
